Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How to create a strong password

With improvement in technology, life has become more easy. Our online identity has become our real life identity.

Sometimes the word hacker can make you tremble cause you dont feel quite protected online. Passwords are a way to keep your online life secure.

Here is how you can create a strong password:

String: "I am helping you create a strong password, to make your online identity secure" - Traveller 8:51 AM Dec 17 2008

Generated password: "Iahycasp,tmyois"-T8:51AD172008 ( all letters from String in bold )

It will take a hacker some time to crack this password with Brute Force Method. But this is still strong enough to discourage the hacker.

To remember this password make a string which is easy for you to remember.

I would like to hear more from you if you have any new ideas feel free to post it here.


Traveller said...

I got inspired by an article in wikipedia.

Traveller said...

Tracking your password will become hard if you change it often (2 days, 1 week, 1 month ..)